October 31, 2011

Waldo's view on Public Administration still relevant after 30 years

Public administration: 30-year-old principles still apply
By JAN KALLBERG | Federal Times / Last Updated:October 30, 2011

Dwight Waldo
Dwight Waldo wrote "The Enterprise of Public Administration" in 1979 looking back on a long academic career, but also as a reflection about the future for public administration. Can a 30-year-old book be relevant? You bet.
Several of Waldo's comments are accurate about today's issues — debt crisis, e-government and trust in government.
The modern U.S. is established on a foundation of economic growth, abundance and consensus, but a new paradigm of scarcity, decay and conflict is increasing pressure on public administration.
This is a radical shift that Waldo foresaw. Waldo raised the question that if the central glue that holds society together is the expectation of more, what does that lead to? If we build our society around a government that always delivers more services, benefits and progress, what would happen if there were less in the future?
Today, facing a large federal debt and austerity measures, we no longer can promise more.
Waldo presented a few principles that he used as a framework to explain, question and discuss public administration and other scholars' theories.
The first principle suggests that there is conflict between bureaucracy and democracy that obliges public servants to protect democratic values. This makes it impossible to run government fully as a business as businesses do not have to consider these values.

October 25, 2011

Belarus looks to emulate Korea's public administration


Anatoly N. Morozevich

Belarus looks to emulate Korea’s public administration
By Park Si-soo/ The Korea Times/ 10-25-2011 17:48
Belarus is a young country. The country’s independence from the Soviet Union is only 20 years old but its governing system is still under development.
The European state recently found a model state to follow in Asia: South Korea. And it is making great efforts to emulate everything from Korea’s public administration to economic policies.
“Belarus is a pearl in a shell,” said Anatoly N. Morozevich, president of the Academy of Public Administration under the Aegis of the President of Belarus. “We want to open the shell with help from Korea and show the pearl to the outside world.” 
Anatoly, a close aide to Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko, is now visiting Seoul at the invitation of the Korea Institute of Public Administration (KIPA).

October 22, 2011

Notes on the Theory of Organization (Luther Gulick)

Presented by J. B Nangpuhan II (MPA Student) to Dr. C. G. Song, Professor of Public Administration at Chonnam National University, South Korea under 'introduction to public administration'. Date presented: 06Oct2010.
Luther Gulick considers division of work as the foundation of the organization and the reason to form it. Other compelling reasons of work division are the following:
a.       Human nature – Men differ in nature, capacity and skill, and gain greatly in dexterity by specialization;
b.      Time – The same man cannot be at two places at the same time; and 
c.       Space – The range of knowledge and skill is so great that a man cannot within his life-span know more than a small fraction of it.

October 18, 2011


Presented by J. B. Nangpuhan II (MPA Student) to Dr. C. G. Song, Professor of Public Administration at Chonnam National University, South Korea under 'introduction to public administration'. Date presented: 13Oct2010.


Key Terms:
1.       organization
2.       social equity

1.       To present the author’s interpretation and synthesis of new Public Administration;
2.       To describe how this interpretation and synthesis of new Public Administration relates to the wider world of administrative thought and practice; and
3.       To interpret what new Public Administration means for organization theory and vice versa.

October 8, 2011

A Declaration Modernizing Public Administration signed by Serbia, Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Slovenia

Declaration on regional cooperation in modernising public administration signed
08. October 2011. | 08:30 - 08:39
Source: Emg.rs
Minister of Human and Minority Rights, Public Administration and Local Self-Government Milan Markovic and his counterparts from Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro and Slovenia signed a Declaration on regional cooperation in the process to modernise public administration in Belgrade today. 
Speaking at a conference “Services, skills and capacity – key challenges in building a modern public administration in Europe,” Markovic underlined that by signing this document, Serbia made a commitment to cooperation that will ensure better lives of citizens in the future. 
The Minister stressed that modernisation of public administration aims at building adequate administrative capacity to harmonise national legislation with EU law. 

October 1, 2011

Success in your career can be defined as a JOURNEY

You know, sometimes there are lots of achievements we can be successful of. Like for instance, we successfully finished writing proposals. The effort that we have invested in writing the proposal is recognized as a success but we haven't achieved yet the essence of success - that is not the destination of writing proposals. Why? It is because success is a journey, it is not a destination. For you to understand more about the word success, view this video from John Maxwell Team entitled: Path Towards Success.